the flight eternal


dimensions 120’’ x 96’’ x 100’’

clouds 2cornell.jpg
     Meteorites have impacted the history of Earth’s climates and some of its surface features. A band of asteroids (consolidated meteorites) revolving between Earth and Mars course indifferently across space, their orbit modulated by various forces

Meteorites have impacted the history of Earth’s climates and some of its surface features. A band of asteroids (consolidated meteorites) revolving between Earth and Mars course indifferently across space, their orbit modulated by various forces over time (gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear, momentum, inertia) kept in a fine balance. This work embraces the notion of the delicacy of precariousness where every small fluctuation can yield colossal repercussions.

We are drifting on mothership Earth engaged in the midst of a celestial dance, and space and time but a ballroom stretching across infinity in an endless search, a desire both to know and to resist the Other. This work is an homage to life as we do not know it, to the delicate elegance of detached foreign entities that have caused so many hearts to beat and to exhaust.