

dimensions 68'' x 90'' x 3''

photo Richard-Max Tremblay

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     Innumerable creation myths and musings on genesis have been delivered since time immemorial as oral traditions and more tangible forms of visual and audio records. The sheer quantity attest to an unfaltering human fascination with origin stories

Innumerable creation myths and musings on genesis have been delivered since time immemorial as oral traditions and more tangible forms of visual and audio records. The sheer quantity attest to an unfaltering human fascination with origin stories, theories and speculations. Fables and stories teach children about the complexity of societal and natural forces that push and pull them into various directions throughout their development towards maturity. Tales of the originary might function in analogous ways to ground an entity’s identity within the enigmatic complexity of the universe. Every civilization has speculated about concepts of existence, finitude, and the afterlife, which all lie beyond the frontier of knowledge and tease curiosity.

The Surrealists ventured to depict images from their unconscious states that might reveal clues about a psychical inner subterranean world that is dormant within every person. If one can access an alternate comprehension of reality through dreams, perhaps one might access knowledge about a previous lifetime that might reveal or betray something about the obscure mysteries of existence. This work is the result of a vision from a dream in which my dream body disintegrated into sprawls of colors. This is a return to the clarity of the originary as one returns home after a long exile -- into the cosmic womb of a life energetic.