Sublimation apparatus: Mechanism of cloud formation


dimensions 28’’ x 79’’ x 53’’

photos Richard-Max Tremblay

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     While daily weather inextricably affects every being on Earth, how climates fluctuate over the course of history remains largely inferential the further we venture into the future and towards the past. I am interested in atmospheric phenomena be

While daily weather inextricably affects every being on Earth, how climates fluctuate over the course of history remains largely inferential the further we venture into the future and towards the past. I am interested in atmospheric phenomena because of the many unknowns about natural perturbations still being investigated in the atmosphere and oceans. This gap in our scientific knowledge opens inquiries into the inherent mysteries of our planet. Water is an idiosyncratic molecule with usual physical properties which have conferred the fortuitous conditions to foster the animation of various species on Earth.

This work is an homage to the process of change, of metamorphosis, of physical phase change: evaporation, condensation and sublimation. The process of sublimation also manifests itself in the metaphorical as an experience of the exchange of intense emotions upon encounter with the forces of nature. This quasi-scientific diorama arrangement alludes to an enigma that has yet to be resolved. I am interested in the obscure arc of knowledge, of synergy that alloys poiesis to praxis, science to art, forms to language, doubt to intuition.